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Best Cleansing/Detox Techniques?


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So kung went on a juice fast, ahess#### did the saltwater bath...anyone else know how to rejuvenate their bodies to full strength??

I just got a juicer and i'm looking for some good recipes too if anyone knows of any...

I personally like carrot but that's not too imaginative.

how do you do the saltwater bath ahess??

I'd like to get a lot of the toxins from the whopper and a coke deal out of my body. i noticed that i smell a lot different after eating burgerking. maybe i'm sensitive to things like that but as great as whoppers taste, remind people to make sure and shower a day after eating them.

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if you got a juicer beet&carrot is a good one for detox

if you wanna go hardcore check out the post started by kung last week about fasting tips - i wrote out the procedure for the master cleanse in that post.

dandelion greens are good for liver and kidney cleansing - diuretic but a natural source of potassiun so you don't get depleted (the problem with lots of diuretics) - just add em to salads.

cayenne and ginger are good circulatory stimulants.... in tea or food or whatever.

for long term cleansing of lymphatic fluid you should try drinking tea of cleavers (you can buy bulk cleavers at most health food/herb shops) - twice a day - cleavers are supposedly good for weight loss if that's your aim too, but good for anyone looking to flush out their lymph system. the tea tastes pretty green - not too flavourful, but you can always add somn else to make it tastee.

aren't i just the natural health infomaniac today [Razz]

definitely keep active, your metabolism has gotta be goin to process all the toxins you're trying to bring out

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I did the saltwater thing as a test to see how it would affect me. Needless to say, it affected me immensely. This is a part of the Master cleanse that Kung is doing and that Earth posted instructions on.

As I said elsewhere on this board, the saltwater does what it's supposed to do. It's difficult to keep down but I imagine the more you do it the more comfortable you become swallowing sea. I think a laxative tea would do the same thing and probably not be as difficult but that's just a guess.

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Originally posted by ahess6488:

As I said elsewhere on this board, the saltwater does what it's supposed to do. It's difficult to keep down but I imagine the more you do it the more comfortable you become swallowing sea. I think a laxative tea would do the same thing and probably not be as difficult but that's just a guess.

swallow the sea

laxative tea is for sissypants [Razz]


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