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╘��╣ Caution Jam @ Healey's - 10/08 ╠��╕


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What a super fun night! Great to see so many Skancs... There was quite the out of town representation I'm guessing cause of the holidays! Sorry I didn't bump into you StnMtn! Or it's been so long I forget what you look like!

That Allman's Cover band was pretty decent... but Caution Jam totally rocked! Even though Mark was going through Amps like crackers!!!

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Afro, you were there? I'm guessing that I know exactly who you are, then, obviously being the good looking tall gentleman with the fabulous hair, who I saw boogying at the back and later on the dance-floor.

I was aware that it could be you, but I felt silly walking up to a random person to say, "Afro Poppa?"

Next time, though, now that I know it was you.

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haha StoneMtn, ya that would probably be me...youd be surprised how many people I get coming up to me saying "Afro Poppa?" its cool I dont mind at all!

and Willy, I dont have a setlist because I left early but The first few songs were: Eyes, Tennessee Jed, Big Boss Man, Feel Like a Stranger, Scarlet > Fire, Wave that Flag...almost certainly in that order. The highlight for me was definately the Scarlet Fire...good jammmms

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Good times. Glad to see so many skanks and familiar faces come out for this one. Nice meeting some more of you fine folks.

StnMtn, you'll have to hit some of the pre party or post party activities next show so those of us who don't know you can meet you.

I live 5 minute walk to the Opera House so I imagine pre drinks will be held here for the BNB show.

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