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Indonesia... anybody been?


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Found out that I'm going to be travelling to Indonesia for a few weeks late this year to do some teacher training. One week in Jakarta and one week in Aceh province (still devastated by the tsunami). I expect taht the work portion of the trip is going to be pretty intense, so I thought I'd treat myself to a holiday after. Anyone been to Bali or Java? Suggestions?

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We were there around a dozen years ago, so I don't know how things have changed, but if you stick around Sumatra, the park at Bukit Lawang has an orangutan rehabilitation centre that's worth checking out; istr that the river, along which the guesthouses are ranged, had innertubes you could rent and cruise (or fly, as it were) down the river on. There's also Lake Toba, which is worth the stop.

Beyond Sumatra, I remember Yogyakarta in Java being a nice place to spend some time, as well as Solo. The temples at Borobodur and Prambanan are pretty remarkable places, too.

Bali, I can't really figure what it might be like these days. Lovina on the north coast was nice, though threatened with all manner of development. There's a bat cave near Candidasa that's very cool, as well as the monkey forest near Ubud (though there may yet be one that came to a frank disagreement with Calamity Jane that you might want to avoid).

The music throughout Indonesia is, of course, worth pursuing intently, but I expect that's pretty much an as-you-get-there sort of thing. The Kecak/Monkey Dance in Bali is one show worth catching. Otherwise, I remember gamelan playing everywhere, constantly.

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wow! what an awesome trip that must have been Doc

I did a project in grade school on orangutans, and have dreamed of going to Borneo/Sumatra ever since.

I was on craigslist yesterday on the Hong Kong page and saw this...

Tibet train tickets

I have tickets for the china tibet train, i cant go so anyone who wants it email me or go to http://www.chinatibettrain.com

beijing to lhasa. 58 hours. hard sleeper.

pretty cool!

I know this has nothing to do with Indonesia..sorry Blane

Have fun! Jakarta looks CRAZY..sooooo many cars.

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