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Richard Branson donates $3B to Global warming


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okay, sorry, but I'm gonna poop on this party.

Part of the PROBLEM is all the junk airplanes spew. In terms of balancing out one's "global footprint" anything more than one flight a lifetime is baaaaaaaad in terms of chemical pollutants dumped into our atmosphere and then rained down onto our farmlands.

This 'white-washing/green-washing/pink-washing**' is so much corporate PR designed to lull us back into a secure sense that "it's all being taken care of, so no need to RADICALLY change the way I think and act on a daily basis..."

**pink-washing...refers to the Breast Cancer/Pink Ribbon campaign that many, many huge corporations have decided to support, even though those same corporations produce products (make-up, lipstick) with compounds LINKED TO breast (and other) cancers!

when are the aliens coming to rescue us?

Oh Noodly Master, am I ready for ascention off this mother-fucked-up planet?

disclaimer; drinking on a Thursday night. Can you tell?

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