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Jimmy Buffett Busted


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October 6, 2006 -- FORGET Margaritaville - French authorities reportedly seized more than 100 tabs of club drug "ecstasy" from Jimmy Buffett's luggage this week.

The Grammy-winning singer got into trouble when he flew into Toulon-Hyères International Airport in the South of France on a rented private jet and customs officials started poking around in his suitcases. According to local press reports, they uncovered more than 100 tablets of the mind-bending substance.

Buffett, who was on his way to chill out in the ritzy resort town of St. Tropez, was detained, but not arrested, and allowed to go free after paying a fine of 300 euros - about $380. That prompted one local newspaper editorial to term the slap-on-the-wrist punishment "a small amount for a man who makes $70 million a year."

A spokeswoman for Buffett - whose hits include "Cheeseburger in Paradise" and "Why Don't We Get Drunk" - denied he'd had any ecstasy in the luggage. The rep insisted, "It was medicine prescribed by his doctor." But she wouldn't name the medicine or what ailment Buffett was using it for. She also refused to comment on why, if the substance was legally prescribed, Buffett agreed to pay the fine.

"I don't have any additional information," the flak said. Asked to contact Buffett to ask him about the incident, she said, "It's not going to be possible." She also insisted the cops seized only 20 tablets, not the reported 100-plus.

Regardless, Buffett was lucky his alleged stash wasn't discovered in the United States, where a conviction can lead to a prison sentence and fines of up to $100,000. But the singer has had bad luck involving narcotics in the past. Ten years ago, a boat he and Bono were on near the coast of Jamaica was fired on by police who mistook them for drug traffickers.

Meanwhile, the crooner, 59, a distant relative of billionaire investor Warren Buffett, will release his newest album, "Take the Weather With You," next week. Last month, he did a fund-raiser for Kinky Friedman's Texas gubernatorial campaign.

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The rep insisted, "It was medicine prescribed by his doctor." But she wouldn't name the medicine or what ailment Buffett was using it for. She also refused to comment on why, if the substance was legally prescribed, Buffett agreed to pay the fine.

Maybe because it's no one's business, if Jimmy has a medical condition, and maybe a $380.00 fine, paid and dealt with, was a reasonable inconvenience for someone with multiple millions, such that he'd rather pay it and just get on with his life?


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You know what is also really wierd. Both Buffett and Willie Nelson were recently busted and bith of the are pro-drug performers that are campainging for Kinky Freedman.

Kinky Freedman is a local texas musician and celeb, who is a democrate and wants to take Texas back from the bush era. He has a lot of support and famous friends and is proving to be a real contender.

Isin't it odd that Nelson was busted leaving a Kinky Freedman fundraiser and Buffett had recently played a show to raise money for him.

I smell the bush's at work. The US is a worlwide facist state!


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Kinky Friedman is one of my heroes. I have five of his mystery novels, and have read at least five more (and one of his later non-mysteries, Kill Two Birds & Get Stoned). Supposedly there's video of his band, Kinky Friedman And The Texas Jewboys, on Austin City Limits, but it never aired; I want a copy.

His best political idea might be how he plans to handle illegal immigration. He wants to divide the Texas/Mexico border into zones, and assign each one to a Mexican General. A big sum of money ($1 million? $5 million? something like that) is depositied into a bank account associated with each zone, and money is deducted from the associated account each time an illegal alien crosses a particular zone.

After a certain period of time, the Mexican General assigned to a particular zone will be given what's left in the account for that zone.



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That's my point Zero. Freedman actually has a good chance. He is a true blue Texan and has friends in many high profile places campaigning for him, like Jimmy Buffett and Willie Nelson. Bill Clinton is also a close personal friend of Kinky's.

He is also gaining a following among some republicans in Texans who hate what the Bush's have done to the state . So even republicans that do not see eye to eye with Freedman's democrat ways are still with him, because they are embarassed by Bush and want Texas's priode restored and Kinky is certainly all for that.

I think he really has a good shot and is a threat to the staus quo in Texas. Hence the busts of those that support him.

I'm gonna find out who else is on board with Freedman and see if they run into legal trouble.

And besides if Jesse the body Ventura and Arnold Swartzenegger can become govenor, whu not Kinky?


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I don't know about you, but at a few months away from turning 60, I carry a few prescriptions, including a B vitamin supplement called Foltx...'Ecstasy,' they said. I have never taken it and couldn't tell you the difference between a hit of ecstasy and Excedrin PM. My vices these days consist of boat drinks, beer, wine and the occasional hot fudge sundae.



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Here is a picture of the Foltx supplimetn Buffett has on him....



I can kida see how you may think these pills look like "e", especially the backside with the heart on it. (It has a heart as it is a suppliment to help with pulminanry circulation.)

Question though, wouldn't you have to test a pill before you knew it contained MDMA? How can you tell by picking it up if it is a narcotic?


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