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Drive By Truckers, Dave Lauzon and Torngat...


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I'm envious of your editor. I could never get three pieces especially three music pieces in one issue of Echo. Never. No one could. I wonder how good the stable of writers is at most weeklies, you'd think if guys like you and I put out a lot more query letters to editors far and wide we'd probably have a lot of luck (I'm sure you do more speaking to myself).

I know of course Lauzon well and Torngat I've interviewed at length and I think you nailed both articles quite well. I can see your style maturing and tightening up in a very tangible way.

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Read much?

I saw Bell Orchestre at the Guelph Jazz Festival and the chick in the pixie skirt (the violin chick) was real, umm distracting like, and even that Archie looking fu�ker from Arcade Fire was relatively unannoying but the whole thing was like a big meh. Like that word meh for you know just a steaming pile of turd. Thing is the french horn guy Pietro Amato is really the sh!t in Torngat and they were all good players although the drummer guy was super efete in a kind of flouncy way and had those massively tweezed eyebrows that make you sort of uncomfortable in your masculinity.

Obviously the point of the Chives vs. Kung bit is antagonism which is not to say it isn't highly intentional antagonism. Probably if I was to just make a sound point it would be that it blew my mind that you could have that much talent on stage and just totally turn it into a, as you said, namby pamby fluffball. Pietro is the shit. What is interesting is on a personal level I found him really sort of different when with Bell Orchestre. Like in the Torngat context he's really with his brothers in arms. Then of course if I wasn't free to comment on these sort of intuitions in even a reckless sort of way it would never come out in the wash.

Torngat is the shit.

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well, I'm pleased to hear that it was simply antagonism because as a newbie outsider to this list I found it difficult to interpret. I'm still trying to figure out what the colour coded schemes for various types of intent (purple for sarcasm etc.) really mean but when those are absent it is impossible to tell where someone's coming from without knowing their background info. Being a personal friend of Bell Orchestre and Torngat, I found that particularly antagonistic conversation a bit-offbase due its lack of 'I'm just being antagonistic' disclaimers.

Also, personally, I don't subscribe to the dichotomy of art-school indie rock vs. jamband as needing to be separated from one-another, having been a lifetime fan/participant in both of those schools of rock.



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I found that particularly antagonistic conversation a bit-offbase due its lack of 'I'm just being antagonistic' disclaimers.

tip for the new....the only relevant colour is purple and it's sarcastic, but some people like me don't subscribe to the idea...and with zero, it's pretty much assumed everything is antagonistic on some level.

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