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PETER ELKAS BAND -- Thu Nov 2 (Hamilton)


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@ Casbah

306 King St W, Hamilton






Band Members: Peter Elkas - vocals, guitar Alana Stuart - vocals Jeff Heisholt - keys, vocals Doug Friesen - bass, vocals Gavin Maguire - drums


"The World doesn't need you to sell ice-cream. It does, however, need you to play music," said producer/drummer Don Kerr (Ron Sexsmith, The Rheostatics) to then Montreal based Peter Elkas in a determined attempt to encourage him to move to Toronto and work on some songs. "Who wouldn't hop-to after that?" says Peter, "it was a huge compliment."

So in 2002, after nearly ten years as multi-instrumentalist and songwriter with Montreal indie rockers Local Rabbits, Peter packed his bags, quit his job selling ice-cream and made the move to Toronto with little more than four songs he had written with a new Local Rabbits record in mind.

Though the initial plan was not to become a solo artist, it became clear that the Rabbits were not in a rush to work on a new record, so Peter continued to work with Don on developing his own songs. Don, who had produced the last Rabbits' album, produced and played drums. Peter sang and played guitar. Together they enlisted the help of Doug Friesen on bass and began recording at Don's Toronto Island Gas Station studios. The end result was a six-song EP entitled Party Of One, which the Halifax Daily News called an "artful lyrically bountiful gem."

For Peter, the idea of being a solo artist took some getting used to. "The problem is that people don't normally high-five themselves, so it seemed a bit odd not being a part of the four-headed monster I was used to," he says. "On the flip-side, 'he who travels fastest, travels alone' has become true for me. I am able to get more done because I don't need buy-in from the rest of the band." But , he continues, "On the flip-side of the flip-side four heads are better than one. It's hard to replicate that kind of camaraderie. We were a goddam walking party."

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