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Who wants to punch out George W Bush???

Kanada Kev

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bush is the best president we could ask for in these unstable times.

:D I can't even take a comment like that seriously!

I'd be bloody scared and pissed-off if i was American ... get your hands on, and watch Aaron Russo's "America: Freedom to Facism" and let me know what you think. One of the most scary things i've watched in my lifetime!


Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

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a liberal president couldn't own up to the task of policing the world and keep america safe for americans.

Oh yes, and the US is a safer place than ever now isn't it? Americans also feel safer travelling all over the world too.

Security in airports? A friggin' joke. Countless people have breached it since 9/11 just to prove a point. Take a read of a recent account of a traveller going through LAX and their dealings with the crack security team there:


Bush has NOT made the world a safer place ... sorry to hear that you've been duped by the fear-mongering and completely un-democratic regime that is stripping Americans of their rights.

But, I forgot, the Patriot Act, abolishing Habeas Corpus, instituting a National ID card, invading independent nations, ignoring human tragedies and genocides, abandoning your own citizens in New Orleans, detaining civilians around the world in secret prisons, reversing environmental standards to harm the global climate, sending Canadians off to foreign lands to be tortured in barbaric penal systems, and so on and so on ... Bush is doing such a GREAT JOB!!!

If ANYONE here wants a copy of America: Freedom to Fascism i'd be happy to burn a copy (it's not all about Bush-bashing) as well as Iraq for Sale

In the meantime, please feel free to punch out Dubya here:



And also see what he's really made of, by zooming in here:


I feel sorry for my friends in the land of the less-free and scared!

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i'm not even going to bother reading all that crap....

i'll i'm saying is that bush stepped up to a hard task, took care of business, and is contining to do a very difficult job. we should all be praising him... look at what happened to canada with 14 years of liberal leadership??? we got ripped off, and became and international joke.

at least bush and harper are doing what matters, even though you radical liberals can't see it because its against your lame self image of yourselves.

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what a bunch of sh=t

i could say we have a good mayor huh, full to the top with sh=t

very sad have to put up with theives, liars,and we pay the taxes time we all smartened up come election time

so what do you think

let me know as i am quite confused with no one doing too much about the way things are in our beautifull canada or was beautifull, before the gu=s so freely on the streets

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