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Bruce Hornsby - Interview


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While boarding a flight in Chicago about a month and a half ago, I met Bruce Hornsby. I introduced myself and thanked him for the great tunes. During this exchange, it came up that I am Canadian. Then, this guy from Buffalo comes up to him and the conversation went like this:

(please recite the Buffalo guy's lines in a thick Tonowanda accent)

Buffalo guy: "Bruce Hornsby! I can't believe it! How the heck are ya?"

Bruce Hornsby: "I'm well, thank you."

Buffalo guy: "Ya know Bruce, I was at this party once when I was in college and you were there with some other musicians. And I'll tell ya, I was the only one who recognized Robbie ROBINSON!"

Bruce Hornsby: "I think you mean Robbie ROBERTSON."

Buffalo Guy: "Whatever."

Bruce Hornsby shot me a wink and we shared a great chuckle.

That's just the way it is.


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Furthermore, the lead single and title track off his debut has become an epochal tirade that injected brains into pop music, has become a standard of some sorts, from being paraded on soft–rock stations to receiving the sampling treatment by Puff Daddy.



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