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Democat proposes draft! WhaaaaT?!?!

The Chameleon

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[color:red]So the typical democratic trend of self-destruction has begun. A democrat Charles Rengel has propsed a measure to bring back the draft! OH MY GOD!


Dems: Draft - no way

Party leaders in Senate insist idea has no chance of passing; Schumer, Clinton voice opposition


November 21, 2006

WASHINGTON - Senate Democratic leaders have said Rep. Charles Rangel's call for military conscription of Americans, age 18 to 42, will go nowhere if any member introduces it. And Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Charles Schumer joined the anti-draft chorus yesterday - even though both support getting tough with Iran and North Korea and both have decried troop shortages in Iraq.

"Sen. Clinton has the utmost respect for her friend Charlie Rangel but, as she has long said, she does not support reinstituting the draft," said Phi- lippe Reines, Clinton's spokesman, in response to a reporter's request for comment.

Schumer, speaking to reporters in upstate New York yesterday, said he was "completely opposed to reinstating the draft and I can't imagine it would get more than 10 votes in the Senate." Both Clinton and Schumer voted to authorize the invasion of Iraq in October 2002.

The idea faces similar hurdles in the House, where the top two Democrats, Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader-elect Steny Hoyer, said they have no intention of bringing up legislation to resume the military draft.

"The speaker and I have discussed scheduling" for the House next year, Hoyer said after a meeting yesterday with Pelosi. "It did not include" the draft, he said.

Said Pelosi: "Mr. Rangel has long held this position. It's not about a draft, it's about shared sacrifice in our country.

"We have made very clear what our priorities are, and they're Six for '06," Pelosi said, naming the Democrats' plan to address what they call the middle-class squeeze by raising the minimum wage, repealing the richest tax cuts and increasing education grants. "Mr. Hoyer will be leading the action on the floor."

Conscription for the military or public service would make U.S. leaders more cautious about going to war, Rangel said Sunday on CBS' "Face the Nation."

"There's no question in my mind that this president and this administration would never have invaded Iraq, especially on the flimsy evidence that was presented to the Congress, if indeed we had a draft and members of Congress and the administration thought that their kids from their communities would be placed in harm's way," said Rangel, the Harlem Democrat who is in line to become chairman of the Ways and Means Committee next year.

Pelosi noted yesterday that Rangel's portfolio in that committee wouldn't include the draft.

"Mr. Rangel will be very busy with his work on the Ways and Means Committee, whose jurisdiction is quite a different jurisdiction," she said.

Military leaders spoke out against reinstating the draft when Rangel introduced such legislation in January 2003, before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. Commanders said the current volunteer force was better trained and capable than the conscripted troops in the past.

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uh oh, you seem to have lost faith in the Dem's natural ability to screw up a good thing. its like they permanently have a cocked pistol strapped to their belt pointed right at their woohoo's, finger taped to the trigger, and they suddenly think ... "hey, let's go for a drive on a bumpy county road". :crazy:

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The Democrats voted almost unanimously for both the patriot act and to go to Iraq. Anything they do should not come as a surprise.

This is true, but that vote happened in a very different politcal climat, frought with patriotism and faulty intelligence following the attacks.

I think if they voted on that now it would be very different.

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uh oh, you seem to have lost faith in the Dem's natural ability to screw up a good thing. its like they permanently have a cocked pistol strapped to their belt pointed right at their woohoo's, finger taped to the trigger, and they suddenly think ... "hey, let's go for a drive on a bumpy county road". :crazy:

You are sadly, so right.

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uh oh' date=' you seem to have lost faith in the Dem's natural ability to screw up a good thing. its like they permanently have a cocked pistol strapped to their belt pointed right at their woohoo's, finger taped to the trigger, and they suddenly think ... "hey, let's go for a drive on a bumpy county road". :crazy: [/quote']

You are sadly, so right.

hmmm, usually when Im right, people rejoice ;)

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on the bright side, if the draft got re-instated maybe americans would suddenly show some real interest in ending the occupation of iraq!

Sadly just like Vietnam, it will probably take white middle class boys and girls getting killed to make the Amercian public, end this bloodbath....

As long as non-whites, the poor and jobless white-trash die...it's all good.

Ahhhh the American way!

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