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web hosts


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I am building a web page for a friend of mine (a kickass singer) and am looking for a free hosting site. I was wondering if anyone had tips or suggestions. I am particularly in need of a host that will let me put up mp3's (or do they all do that?) and give a domain or at least a subdomain. I know a little about HTML and CSS, but nothing about getting a site online with a good host.

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free = limited good (banner ads, or some sorta hook somewhere)...

tell your friend its worthwhile to dole out the $5 to $10 a month for a real server and save themselves headaches down the road (from the get-go actually)... if it absolutely isn't worth $5 a month to them then I'd suggest Googling for free hosting (edited aloof comment)

haven't used free hosting since Angelfire a decade ago... angelfire closed its doors, think lycos took it over

don't know if geocities still does the free hosting

if its for a singer, why not just build them a free myspace page?

here's an informative webhost thread posted shortly ago

I've used networx hosting mainly because they have a local office with good support, and a good selection of tools loaded onto the back-end of the server that I actually find useful... been meaning to look into other hosts though for interests sake (which'd be why I have the webhost thread bookmarked... thanks contributors!)

have fun!

Edited by Guest
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