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Roll Call: Real Gone Daddies @ Mavericks 12/8


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On Friday, December 8, 2006, Ottawa's Real Gone Daddies will be having the CD release party for their new record, "extinct", at Mavericks in Ottawa. The night will start off with a short animated film, "Das Rad", then a set by The Hungry Freaks, playing the music of Frank Zappa / Mothers Of Invention, then two full sets of Real Gone Daddies. The cover charge is $8 at the door ($6 in advance; see RGD's website for where tix are available).

Real Gone Daddies are one of my favourite Ottawa bands; I've been listening to them for a couple of years now, and they consistently blow me away. I've been waiting for their record for a while now, and, from the snippets I've heard, it'll be worth the wait.



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Some of you may remember them from the most recent Canada Day party.

Second most recent. But yeah. They're good.

Second most recent and most recent: they played in 2005 and 2006. I know this because I have yet to give a copy of RGD 2006-07-01 to the band. (I actually have a file that lists the recordings I still have to get to bands.)



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Some of you may remember them from the most recent Canada Day party.

Second most recent. But yeah. They're good.

Second most recent and most recent: they played in 2005 and 2006. I know this because I have yet to give a copy of RGD 2006-07-01 to the band. (I actually have a file that lists the recordings I still have to get to bands.)

Aloha' date='


Then I guess I'm the one who doesn't remember the most recent one at all. Sorry Todd!

But... this year's Canada Day? Really? Were they on very early?

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