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back in hammerton!


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i'm home after 15+ months in asia. its overwhelming and weird but its good to be here! my brother, sister-in-law, and their 3 month old baby got in from calgary late last night and i met my 1st ever nephew. tomorrow theres a christening, which will make me The Godfather! i'm looking forward to seeing a bunch of you over the holidays. december 23rd at pepper jack's is the johnston's annual christmas bash - see flyer below. come one, come all! dec 27, the spades at the cameron house in TO, and dec 31st the sadies at the horseshoe. thats how my show schedule is looking so far. and of course i'll be making a trip up to o-town for the nero extravaganza in january, along with downtown downey. see you all pretty soon!


ps - i seem to have won a prize pack from some band called Seven Dust... cd, stickers, poster, drum sticks, etc. anyone heard of them or know how i won?


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