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My first food feature


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So I'm the new dining critic at the Echo Weekly and though I've written one other food article (Alimento Lento on a high end Italian Slow Food event) this is my first cover. They were admittedly shy on content this week so it was a bit of a coup that it ended up on the cover. Still great though. Didn't realize 'til I picked up the paper from the box today. I even got my accent egu's and grave's right.

Eat, Drink and be Merry

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it's a pretty good article, and i guess it's nice to see the meals of the holidays (=family togetherness) up front rather than the tyical commercialism, even if it was a slow week for contributions.

a small critique...i probably wouldn't have used the same phrasing twice in one piece.

The Rude Native bistro is likely your best bet.
Bollywood Bistro is likely your best bet
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my question is...how do you know when to capitalize dishes and when not to? it seemed kinda straightforward at first, ie. capitalize the dish name, yes! but when it's called something generic like 'beef tenderloin', would that need to be capitalized? (i wouldn't think so, but i dunno) it seems like a nightmare trying to figure that stuff out!

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