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The Sadies are ROCK GODS!


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Last night at the Horseshoe was off the hook!!!! Sold out show and the place was rammed. The Sadies put on two huuuuuge sets. It was balls to the walls the entire time. Travis & Dallas' parents sat in for a song here and there in the first set. The second set went on forever and the encore was at least 7 songs. For the encore, who shows up other than the man himself MR. GREG KEELOR! Blue Rodeo had their own shindig going on at Copps Coliseum last night so I was pretty damn surprised to see him hit the stage. It was un-fucking-believable! That Greg Keelor is a real class act. No one other than Greg Keelor could get up on stage and play a cheeser like "To Love Somebody" at 3am on NYE and have the crowd roaring in approval. (the one that goes 'you don't knowwww what its liiike') When they rocked "Are You Ready For The Country" I soiled my pants. The Sadies are so on top of their game now, its amazing. Very good times had by all!

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