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Report: U.S. Troops Raid Iranian Consulate in Iraq


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This can’t be good. Combined with increasing troops in Iraq this sounds like another step towards invading Iran. I believe that Bush might achieve this before the end of his term.

U.S. troops raided an Iranian consulate in northern Iraq late Wednesday night and detained several people, Iran's main news agency reported today, prompting protests from Tehran just hours after President Bush pledged to crack down on the Islamic Republic's role in Iraqi violence.

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Come on ... don't ya trust Bush? He's only doing what god is telling him to do. Besides, the Rapture will come before this crusade is over and they'll all vanish in the air leaving us to live in hell on earth.

The timing on all these events is mind-boggling. He's doing what he's doing because he CAN. He has no fear of a backlash. He's happy to do this, and he knows he'll be walking away from it all at the end of this term. It'll give them fuel to lash out at whoever the next president will be as they try to clean up his mess. IMHO, he is the most jeuvenile person i've ever seen hold such an important position.

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