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Yay Joni Mitchell


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The Alberta Ballet "Dancing Joni" project intrigues me. Its the sort of thing that from any other artist would leave me very, very skeptical.But Joni is an iconoclast-her artistic integrity is almost perversely(if that is possible) strong.I think the ballet will follow suit.

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She's an amazing artiste on many levels.

Last year a buddy lent to me the DVD set of Dick Cavett shows. One of the highlights is the "Woodstock" episode that happened right after the event. CSN, Jefferson Airplane and Joni Mitchell were there. Joni did a mindblowing performance of The Fiddle and the Drum. At the time, it was a great commentary from a non-American on their involvement in the Viet Nam war. It's lyrics are eerily poignant today (should this now be moved to the political forum ):

The Fiddle and the Drum

And so once again

My dear Johnny my dear friend

And so once again you are fightin' us all

And when I ask you why

You raise your sticks and cry, and I fall

Oh, my friend

How did you come

To trade the fiddle for the drum

You say I have turned

Like the enemies you've earned

But I can remember

All the good things you are

And so I ask you please

Can I help you find the peace and the star

Oh, my friend

What time is this

To trade the handshake for the fist

And so once again

Oh, America my friend

And so once again

You are fighting us all

And when we ask you why

You raise your sticks and cry and we fall

Oh, my friend

How did you come

To trade the fiddle for the drum

You say we have turned

Like the enemies you've earned

But we can remember

All the good things you are

And so we ask you please

Can we help you find the peace and the star

Oh my friend

We have all come

To fear the beating of your drum

jtjmsmall.jpgJoni and JT


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