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United Steel Workers of Montreal!!!


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Oh my freakin god!

If you weren't at PJC last night, you missed a goliath of a show. Absoultely ridiculous...

Do your self a favour, see this band, book this bnand, whatever, just fuckin see them live and be ready for a serious kick in the head.. but a good kick. Man oh man..do I have a new favourite Canadian band..I think I may. That show schooled me hard, show of the year for me. Once I get a copy of the multitrack recorded, I will share.

Newrider, you would lose your shit over this.

Thanks to Ken at PJC for this, I'm still dumbfounded by it all.

Heres a link to their myspace, it does nothing in comparison to the live show...


(ps: Yes..I'm still smashed)

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Newrider, Booche, Schwa, Willy, Scott (skankformelyknowas....), Tooly, Onthejourney (you should have been there!!) - you guys would love this stuff. I just know it.

Ok..I'm drunk and am going go drink whatever beer I have lkeft while I listen nto these guys as loud as possible Fuck ya!

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wish I had been there

I'll be sure to check this band out soon!

thanks A.M.

shit..I see they're playing in TO the next couple days and I'm off to my property up north..oh well


listening to their myspace tunes now...a bit Tom Waits'ish ?!?

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Honestly, the last time I felt like this about a band, was when I heard the Gourds for the first time.


I wish I could make the sneaky dees show tonight, I really do. Bands like this (as rare as they are) make me proud to be Canadian.

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re: Tom Waits - I couldn't agree more, throw some John Prine in that mix too.

Right on, glad ya'll are checking em out and perhaps enjoying, again the studio is so tame in comparison (although still awesome) to the live show they put on.

I feel like I'm hyping em a bit too much, but shit...they really are that good (showhore will tell ya) They left me standing jaw wide open. Vocals, musicianship/talent..was so tight, so together. Very pro.

I may be drunk, but I heard music last night I only dream of making, let alone hear someone play.

I absolutely love when that happens...

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