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starlake 7/29/03


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It really is a keeper. I grabbed it from LivePhish and it rocks. So many great songs and really well played.

I have been listening to that show, Utah, and Deer Creek 7/23 a lot. The sneakin sally from the Creek is so funky. If you haven't heard it , check it out.


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I know that the whole tour was available through the "backdoor" of LP, but I didn't take any of them. Instead I bought the shows I was at.

Aren't you afraid that if everyone starts trading the shows and noone buys them that Phish will stop offering them for download? It seems that the more people steal these recordings, the more people who get illegal copies of them, the more likely Phish is to remove a great product from the market? I don't want to lose the ability to dl a great show because people are illegally trading them.

I love the LP series - I wish more bands did it as well as Phish.

I don't understand that if you really want something why you can't save your cash and pay for it. If you want to hear the show there are good audience copies floating around of every show ever pretty much. If you want the premium kick ass SBD you need to pony up and pay for it.

I really need and want a car but should I be allowed to walk into the car dealer and just jump in one and steal it? It is the same thing. You can't just take something that you don't feel like paying for. If everyone did that our society would be in shambles!


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Originally posted by colinw:

I really need and want a car but should I be allowed to walk into the car dealer and just jump in one and steal it? It is the same thing. You can't just take something that you don't feel like paying for. If everyone did that our society would be in shambles!

That's a bad analogy: digital media can be copied without loss to the owner of the source, which is why copying CDs and computer programs isn't theft but copyright infringement.

(Note that I'm not making a comment one way or the other about copying LP releases; I'm just pointing out that the "theft" analogy as put forward by people like the RIAA and the satellite TV industry isn't accurate.)



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Bradm - fair enough. Copyright infringement is what it is, however it is still stealing. Certain people shouldn't be able to just take something because they don't feel like paying for it. What makes them so special? If you feel that you need something so badly, why not stand up and pay for it? Whether you are taking the original piece of music, satellite signal or whatever else, you are still stealing intellectual property and should be held accountable.

People that steal music, satellite signals, etc are just as guilty of stealing something as common theives who steal cars (that seems to get sympathy from the people here!).

Theft and copyright infringement are both illegal. They also both hurt the artists we all claim to love so much. Sure, Phish isn't going to stop playing because some people don't pay for LivePhish, but if noone pays they stop releasing the music and we are all poorer due to the simple few who want something they are too "special" to contribute to.

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again, i do appreciate and on some levels agree with what you are saying colin - i have paid for 8 shows off of the summer tour alone, but if i couls get a couple for free, that would be nice.

Also Phish made over one million dollars off the downloads from January to May, so i don't think theyh are too hurtin'- i do agree that you should pay for some of them, but......

also - I experienced a few glitches on the downloads such as mssing files, and being charged twice for a couple of shows, although phish corrected there errors(eventually), they offered nothing on a customer service level, like say a free show, so it is an imerfect system, mind you one that I totally like and support.

what that has to do with pirating music - i can't say, but there ya go........could that in fact be my guilty conscience?????

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I'm not sure what the issue is here. I save cash so I can buy LivePhish shows, and they are pretty reasonable for what you get in return. It is the best sounding pure recording of the show you can get.

I still listen to AUD copies but the LP ones are MUCH better.

I don't mind giving the boys some cash for the shows. They deserve it. From the royalties they have to pay for covers, to the cost of bandwidth, cost of server space and staff to run LP, I doubt much cash is going to fund Trey's vacations in the Caymans. I would be surprised if they made too much profit at all. They could just sell them in the record stores for 3 times and much and pocket tons of cash. I prefer the 48 hour instant download method.

I have spend tens of thousands of dollars following this band and their side projects. The closest show to New Brunswick is usually about 7 hours away which requires hotel, long drives, lots of gas, lots of planning etc. The exception being Limestone shows, which hardly ever happen. I don't see the LP series as the band trying to rip me off, I see it as them trying to offer something unique and great to the loyal fans.

Some people are always against great ideas for no good reason. I am not against corporations making money with great product offerings. In fact I am thankful for it. If you think you've given the band enough money, and you deserve the LivePhish for nothing, why should you get it free and I have to pay? I am supporting the whole initiative and people are trading them and not buying any?

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personally colin, its all about morals.

I, too, have tons and tons of LP shows from 2003. But, i dont have any qualms about downloading them from someone's ftp server. They dont have any problems with offering them up.

The whole Feb tour was available through LP for free. You just had to be a savy music downloader. This summer tour was different. Phish fixed their mistake, and closed the back door.

Not willing to purchase any of the LP's for their 20 dollar canadian ticket price, i make trades. Once again, i dont loose any sleep over it.

There has been quite a few articles showing the profit phish has been making of these lp's. Great. good for them. its good marketing. i personally still have never burnt a copy of a single studio cd from any band. jazz is the most tempting. my friend Ken from PJC always gives me the most amazing jazz cd's to test out. of course, i dont burn them. i listen to them, and if i like them, i buy them, usually from The Beat Goes On. LP, not the same. I paid for just about every Phish studio album out there. I have farmhouse and RR, and both have collected dust. But they were purchased legally.

So my morals are just fine. And in doing so, i'll offer my LP's the same way i got them, in trading...

But most people on here know this aleady, and i have helped out many people on here with LP's.

Colin, if your morals ever change, you can contact me as well...

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