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iPod + jogging + thunderstorm = world of pain

Davey Boy 2.0

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this happened to me ... sorta ...

when I was a kid, our cottage got hit by lightening. we all actually saw the floresent blue current, almost in slow motion. it came down the metal chimney, thru the metal rod my dad was using to stoke the fire, out of my dad and across the room, and right over to my walkman which was plugged into the wall. none of us was hurt, other than being in shock for a while and wondering "did that just happen"?

loudest thing I have ever heard ... and Ive been to a Tool concert! ;) incredibly strong smell of ozone too.

the walkman was toast. they exchanged it for a new one when i went back and told them it just stopped working. i didn't mention the lightening.

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