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Myspace admin rights


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Somebody was kind enough to make us a myspace site before we jumped on the bandwagon ourselves. This was really nice of them! However........

We don't know this person and they tend to not login to the site anymore and I have made friend requests and sent messages to them to kindly let us take iver the domain but to no avail!

Anyhoo, just wondering if anybody knows what we should do to get a hold of this person.

It really isn't the end of the world but it would be nice to have the obvious myspace domain (myspace.com/grandtheftbus) as opposed to the not so obvious domain (myspace.com/grandtheftbusmyspace) that we have now!!

Anyone have a suggestion?



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Does anyone even go on myspace anymore anyway? I'm not sure how to get a hold of someone who graciously made you a myspace site. If he did, and he holds the accountname there isn't much that you can do until you find out who it is.

Maybe someone that has posted on the myspace page knows him and you can contact them.

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Like i said, we REALLY appreciate that they would do that for us! It is just that the site is sort of misrepresentative in that it doesn't have any music, it doesn't have any of our own art or images attached and we cannot respond to people who a)leave us comments or b)send mail to the inbox (and are potentially miffed they don't get a response).

You are right,Myspace probably doesn't have the traffic it had at the onset but it can still be a helpful tool for networking with people and for being a reasonable sampler for somebody curious about the band or someone who even stumbles there by chance.

Like I said, not the end of the world, just thought somebody might have an idea or even know the person *crosses fingers*...


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i have a similar experience... there is a band in the US that broke up a year ago or more and they have www.myspace.com/highplainsdrifter - I have been offering cash for that domain - but no response - the band is obviously over - an no one is logging - but there doesn't seem to be a way to get a hold of 'em - maybe you've got to contact Myspace adminstration. good luck!

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