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Capitals @ Flyers

Freak By Night

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I'm in Philadelphia this weekend visiting my grandmother for Thanksgiving. On a whim, my brother and I went to the Caps/Flyers game this afternoon.

Very exciting game. The Flyers got behind 3-0 early, then came back to tie it before losing in OT. The fans here take their hockey very seriously. Good to see!

I must say, everything about the Wachovia Center is better than Scotiabank Place. The easy access off the Interstate, the parking, the price of beer, the prices and quantity of food served, and even the music they play during breaks was better.

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That sounds great! At Scotiabank Place on Saturday I had to ask 5 different ushers before I found one that knew where there was a pay phone. The best was the girl who just suggested that I look around some more.

And they didn't have any Creemore tall boys.

Can you tell us more about the food options?

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I didn't actually get any food, but I saw what was available and the prices. In general stuff was a dollar or two cheaper than here. Of course they had cheesesteak sandwiches which were very substantial for $7. The slices of pizza were about twice the size and had way more cheese on them than you'd get here. Another popular item was huge pretzels which I think were $3.

All draft beers were $6 for a 16oz cup. Not as much selection as here. Their imported beer was Molson Canadian.

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WTF is your problem?

High cholesterol.

I've been to that area at least once a year since the 60's, so I've had more than my fair share of the Philly cuisine. Didn't feel like sampling it this time around. Plus I was full of turkey from the thanksgiving feast I had the day before.

Have you ever tried scrapple?

Edited by Guest
bad spelling
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