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djmelbatoast, maybe i'll see ya!as for island living...i think i got a hold on things :).

good to hear some encouring words about victoria meggo. but i got to say i love the east. its going to be hard to leave. someone downtown st. johns playing guitar told me once, (paraphrased) ' yeah their friendly out west, but truly kind out east'. i know its a pretty big stereotype, but having spent a bit of time out there, the vibe is for sure different. better/worse/different? i'll find out soon enough.

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fair enough DB! i haven't been out east ever but i would really like to go. i spent 5 years in victoria and i just loved the beauty. sorry if that sounds too tree-huggy but it's true. tons of ocean and mountains, beach, you are never far from a nice hike, and the weather is such that you can enjoy all of them almost all year. also, do some exploring up on the juan de fuca trail if you like outdoorsy things, there are some great spots.

i'm definitely not saying you'll prefer it to the east, but i'm sure you will like the city. steamer's often has some decent music playing and i also liked 'lucky', it had a real wide variety of music. however it's true that not a lot of bands make it there. vancouver gets tons of great shows but you have to really want to go, because it's quite a commitment time-wise.

anyway - i look forward to getting an update once you're settled. :)

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