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Here's What You're Going to Do


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You're going to slice 2 summer squash (you know the yellow zucchini) and blanch them in boiling water for 4 mintues. You're going to drain them well and set them aside.

Then you're going to slice or dice a chorizo sausage and avoid eating it. You take a nice big pan and you fry up the chorizo. Mmmkay?

Meanwhile, because you're a super efficient cooking machine, you've salted and boiled some water and started cooking some nice delicate pasta like a mini penne or something.

Right. Now add a few cloves of chopped garlic to the chorizo. You know how much you like, you don't need me to tell you. Cook that up for a couple of minutes until your loved one comes down the stairs going "Holy fack something smells good."

That's when you're going to add the blanched summer squash to the chorizo and stir that up nice and gentle.

Drain your al dente pasta.

Add to your sausage and squash the juice of a lime, salt, pepper, a nice handful of chopped cilantro and a generous drizzle of olive oil. Mix the pasta in and combine by flipping the pan like a chef super star. Let your dog eat what falls on the floor. They like sausage and need their vegetables to.

Next you eat and thank Ms.Huxtable for the yummiest 10 minute recipe ever.

Ingredient List

2 summer squash, sliced

1 chorizo sausage, sliced or chopped.

Garlic, minced

Cilantro, chopped

juice of 1 Lime

Olive oil

Salt & Pepper


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