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Cheech and Chong September 6th Massey Hall


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Mexican Americans don't like to just get into gang fights,they like flowers and music and white girls named Debbie too.

Mexican Americans are named Chata and Chella and Chemma and have a son in law named Jeff.

Mexican Americans don't like to get up early in the morning but they have to so they do it real slow.

Mexican Americans love education so they go to night school and take Spanish and get a B.

Mexican Americans love their Nana's and their Nono's and their Nina's and their Nino's........ Nano Nano Nina Nono!

Mexican Americans don't like to go to the movies where the dude has to wear contact lenses to make his blue eyes brown cause don't it make my brown eyes blue.....

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The toronto show last night was fantastic!! Omigod.. It was everything I expected and more... :) I thought Shelby was pretty funny I didn't even know she was going to be in Toronto Ticketmaster didn't have her listed...

I ended up buying a shirt, incense, and a beanie :)

I would gladly go and see them again..I couldn't stop smiling during and well after the show.. :)

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