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Roll Call: Jammer Tuesdaze @ Dekcuf


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Well, once again (and I do mean once; see below), your faithful Jammer Tuesdaze crew will be getting up and getting down tonight at Cafe Dekcuf. We don't know what's going to happen (see below), but we'll try our best. You can come out, not pay anything to get in, have a refreshing beverage or two or more, and enjoy good music made fresh in front of you. There will also be CDs of MP3s (and a video clip or two) from August and September available for not much in the way of bucks.


I don't mean to be too low on this, but tonight is going to be the last Jammer Tuesdaze at Cafe Dekcuf. We've been at it nine months (or more) now, but the Powers That Be have decreed that JT is a Flower That's Been. As such, we're going to delve deep into our special reserves of Psychic* Improvisational Energy (mmmm...PIE...) and whip it out as never before.

If you've been to JT before, you know how much fun it can be, and tonight's going to be funner. If you've never been, or haven't been in a while, thinking, "No problem; it's a weekly thing, I'll go next week...", then tonight's the night!!!

Hope to see y'all out.



* Or maybe psychotic...

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Originally posted by B & Z:

What are they replacing it with?

Unknown to your humble scribe.

Last night was fun. We may have been going out, but we went out jammin'. We had a larger-than-usual crowd, longer-than-usual jams, pimper-than-usual funk, and even a couple of performers who'd never been up on the JT stage before, including Rob Not Bob, who carped the noctum and whipped out a seriously cool "Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)" when the groove synced up for him.

I stayed later than I had intended, drank more than I had intended, and had more fun(k) than I had imagined. It was a good way to go out.

Now, if I could just figure out what to do with my Tuesday nights...



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