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Lexicon for foodies

Last winter, Oliver Pritchett of The Sunday Telegraph offered a lexicon for foodies, "how to bluff your way round restaurant menus, TV chefs and dinner parties," including:

Authentic: A warning there may be hygiene issues.

Bonne femme: Menu expression meaning, "You will enjoy this, but you must be really


Delicacy: Very small portion.

Gourmet: Alerts you to the probability you are going to get a piece of sun-dried tomato with your burger.

Jus: Gastropub gravy.

Mmmmm: Could signify you have just lost a filling or crown in the baguette you are eating. More likely to mean you can't think of anything to say about what you have just been given to taste.

New wave: The chef has a blowtorch.

Protégé: A cook who was taught to chuck pans by a famous chef.

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