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Grateful Dead beer in England? Of course!


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Took advantage of a gloriously sunny and warm day here and wandered downtown in search of a British brewing hotspot, the Evening Star, home base for the Dark Star Brewing Company. Apparently the brewmaster was a big deadhead and decided to name his first beer, the Dark Star Stout in Jerry's honour. The brewery is ranked #1 in the UK.

All in all a pretty cool and delicious way to spend an afternoon. If you're ever in the UK check it out!

Might even have to pick up one of their t-shirts next time:


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I think that article's overstating the case a bit. Yeah pints are quite expensive, but most of what I buy (exclusively cask conditioned "real ales") costs between £2.50 and £3, so 5-6 bucks. Considering you don't have to tip, it's actually the same price as the microbreweries I go to in Montreal. London is probably another story altogether.

That said, there's still a pub on every friggin' street corner here, so I can't believe they're doing THAT badly!

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Guest Low Roller

HAHAHA! I used to see the Dark Star Brewing Company van make deliveries every morning when I would wait for the bus to go to work. I always wanted to take a picture of it and send it to Booche, but oh well. Glad that you picked up on it Blane!

The Evening Star is a fine pub... There is definitely no shortage of pubs in Brighton, of varying quality. There are some places (like the Hobgoblin) that you really want to avoid, but there are others (like Setting Sun) that you should frequent often for the cool clientele.

There is this small pub called The Greys that always has cool acoustic music and a cool vibe: http://www.greyspub.com/

I can't believe a Skank moved to Brighton after I moved out.

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