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Windows SP3 - Any thoughts?


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I know its been out for quite awhile now, but it appears the update is now only showing itself to my pc. I've pretty much read a truck load of reports (most from around it's time of release) of how it is screwing up computers, from everything like random reboots to flat out system shut downs only rectifiable by system restores and/or clean installs.

And to get this reply outta the way - I'm not very interested in anything Mac, mainly since the price of a decent Mac pretty much surpasses any need or use I would have for it now-a-days, and honestly, I love my AMD dual core and have never had an issue, little or major, so I'm not looking for a change.

Just looking for some input from folks who have installed SP3 (are there any?) and what, and/or any, issues you have expirenced since.

Has M$ actually made any fixes and if so, will I be downloading a mess of hotfixes for the next few days? Or, should I go with my initial plan of just not downloading it.

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I don't see what Mac computers have anything to do with SP3.

They don't and that was never implied.

But, as per usual when asking about windows programs, issues etc the usual "get a mac" replies follow, hence my comment. Sorry but I thought that was rather clear. My mistake.

Thanks for the input though.

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