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Artists: Looking for shows in London?


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This is the call to all musicians and performers. Are you trying to find gigs in London in december and beyond?

Let me know when you're touring through and i'll try to get you some gigs.

I don't have a fancy tongue in cheek party name but anyone that knows me knows that Newbold spells chill times.

Let's get on this ASAP!!

All I need are dates and details.

(in case you wanted to know, my name's Rob Newbold - if you were to ask people who canned beats is you'd get a funny look around here)

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yes, Robert is it??

Nice to meet you. I manage a band called the "silly acrobats". They dont actually play music per say. What they do is interpative dance in a 7/14 time.

They dress in a pink and blue and use lots of props.

Anyways, They should be spinning thru london some time in a the middle of next month. Any gigs that you can get them in London would be killer. They dont play for anyless then $1000.00 a man. There are currently 5 men in the act ranging in ages from 42 to 45.

Also, any floor space that you might be able to work out for the boys would also be much appreciated. Please arrange that one of the pillows that you work out is hypo-allergenic. Peter has a very bad allergy problem.

Well I guess that is all the info. you will need at this point.

Oh yea, One other thing. At the establishment that you do happen to book, please see to it that all the sea breezes the boys want are catered on a free bar tab.

Feel free to contact me with any more info you might need.

Thanks Robert. With Very warm regards, Pieere.

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Since i have weekend openings starting november...


fridays/saturdays are a nice start but i need DATES not just days.

tell me 'i'd like to play november 15th' or somethng like that.

have alternate dates. keep in mind you won't get paid the same during the week but if you don't mind splitting a couple hundred bucks for a fun tuesday then let me know that too.

I need to know what's happening on YOUR end.

if i dont' have dates i can't just arbitrarily ask for you.

talk to your band mates, get a potential plan for when you'd like to play around if you haven't and then get back to me.

don't hesitate to say 'get in touch with me' but I figured i'd straighten it out before there's any confusion.

If you dont' know me or dont think i've seen your band then tell me about yourself at least a bit. what your'e looking for what your goals are etc.

I'm curious about that kind of thing. I don't think there should be any unnecessary distance. that's where miscommunication happens.

If you're stright up with me then it'll work out immensely well.

Until we start getting people out I can't offer a whole lot as far as a guarantee is concerned but don't be too quick to turn your nose up at this. Drop me a line. I'll at least pick it up.

demos help a lot by the way. if you can shoot me a CD or 2 (burned if you'd prefer...i'm not just trying to score free cd's) the bar'd appreciate knowing what they're getting themselves into.

thanks for the support and help. I just want there to be a great sounding, friendlier alternative to the bacchus.

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  • 1 month later...


i've been calling people and trying to get some dates but so far december's pretty open.

any of you great bands want to play a weekend show at stonehenge lounge?

there's a possibility that we could take over stonehenge BAR if this heats up. the nicest venue in London...closest bar i've seen to it has to be barrymore's in ottawa.

anyhow, everyone up to playing a show ASAP get to me!

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