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Red Bull Challange!


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Challenging The Red Bull

The scene: 4:20am, after the mass of partyers has left or passed out.

BradM sits at a table, half-slouched, dazed almost. He's been up for 40 hours straight, and can't tally up the number of recreational consumables he's forced down. His red shirt has marks on it from unknown places and situations....

On the table is an unopened can of Red Bull...

BradM (angrily): Hey, you!

Can of Red Bull:

BradM: I'm talkin' to you!


BradM: What, you think you're so big? Yeah? Well, dummy, I challenge you!


BradM: That's it! You're goin' down!!!

BradM reaches for the can, and, amazingly, given his level of fuzzedoutness, deftly pops the top...

CoRB: pfffftttt....

BradM: Ha! You're my little puppy now, bitch!

BradM is thus able to continue partying for at least 10 more minutes...

(The part of the Can of Red Bull was actually played by a can of Diet Red Bull.)



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Oh man, there's just so much I could add to that Mounted Fury post... But I think I'll maintain my innocent composure.

....ok stop laughing... seriously.

Hey Huxy! You found the freaks alright... thought the RedBull would have given us away right off the bat.

Pre-party for sure! Where?

Is there anything going on Saturday night in O-Town???

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