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Anyone Biking from Kitchener to Hillside this weekend?


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I'll be riding my bicycle back and forth between Kitchener and Guelph Lake four or five times over the course of the Hillside weekend (SOMEone has to let the dog out to pee)...

If anyone out there is going to Hillside from Kitchener and is interested in shrinking their carbon footprint a bit, I'm looking for people to ride with...

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very cool! hats off to you! may i respectfully suggest that if you bike in the dark that you have plenty of front and rear lighting. :) (way too many people ride out afterward in the dark with no lighting and its very difficult to see them on those unlit, hilly, country roads.)

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there are actually hundreds of people who ride their bikes to hillside, schwa. the festival provides a very large bike lock area right on the island - the best "parking" available to anyone. granted, most riders likely do not travel any great distance and a lot ride in for the whole weekend and camp.

sorry to hear about your light, amt. that sucks.

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