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Tom Waits Tribute in Toronto

Jay Funk Dawg

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Hello Again, One & All...

Due to "popular demand" another meeting of The Tom Waits Appreciation Congregation (T.W.A.C.) will fall on Saturday, September 5, 4pm - 7pm, at Graffiti's Bar, Grill & Rehab Slip in the heart of Toronto's Kensington Market (170 Baldwin St., West of Spadina). Please note, all firearms must be turned in at the door. Joining us for this rare occasion will be...

Marty Morin - Vocals, Percussion, Piano, Guitar

Mark Sepic - Treated Guitars & Banjo, Harmonica, Jaw Harp, Found Sounds

James Gray - Piano, Accordions

Doug Inglis Drums, Percussion, Found Sounds

Braxton Hicks - Saxophones, Clarinet, Percussion

Greg Wyard - Acoustic Bass

The music of Tom Waits paints a broad and strange picture, one filled with images of the underbelly, the forgotten, the forlorn, the missing and the simply strange. Grand weepers and grim reapers, the songs of Tom Waits have endured over the decades. Dozens of artists have interpreted his music. It's beautiful, odd, original and ever evolving. Come join us for a brief peek into the music and ideas of a brilliant songwriter. The music will spill into the streets. Hope to see you all there...

The Tom Waits Appreciation Congregation

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