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Ottawa's End Hits record store to close


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What I'm saying is the packaging of albums lends itself to enjoyable perusal, whereas cd packaging (or obviously the lack of packaging altogether) doesn't.

Flipping through a record collection is fun to do, even if you're not looking for something to buy or listen to. On the other hand, the only reason to look through a cd collection is to find something to listen to.

Agreed. I haven't looked through a CD rack in years. Every city I go to for shows I seek out the local record shop and have a field day perusing their selections and always come home with lot's of gems. I do the same at home but i have been through all their collections numerous times. Well maybe not legend records cause they have a very extensive collection and I don't like their prices on a lot of stuff i want. I can usually find it cheaper online. But they do have an impressive collection.

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