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what's on in your city?


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so in guelph ...

the mayoral race seems to be down to two: the incumbent pro-environment, socially progressive Farbridge who many think has not lived up to her promises and has made several really stupid decisions ... and a former, right of center, city councilor, Birtwistle, who is pro-development and less concerned with the environment. the hatchets have come out and both sides are blaming each other for past fiscal and planning mistakes, sneaky politics, spreading misinformation, etc. ... you know, standard stuff.

perhaps the most interesting aspect of it all is that the campaign manager (a former city councilor) of the incumbent mayor has been caught red-handed creating multiple identities on the local Guelph Mercury politics blog and spreading misinformation about her opponent. the mayor stands behind her campaign manager, claiming she knew nothing about it. many city council candidates criticized the actions of the mayor's campaign manager as "fraudulent" and "sneaky", with some then quickly outed as having done exactly the same thing. i find this fascinating.

so, the question: is it OK to create fake internet persona and comment on local politics during a campaign?

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Don't be naive YT, democracy was watered down long, long ago. Actually, i'm highly suspicious that democracy may not even exist. And yes, i'm one of 'THOSE' people and for the record, there's nothing undemocratic about changing my name for internet purposes. My real name isn't Birdy.

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Oh god no.

I've intentionally spread the truth - the incumbent is a piece of work and a half. He drops 'don't's when it should be 'does not', or 'youze guys' this and it 'ain't' that. I sit on the board of a local theatre which JUST opened, and he was the bain of our existence for the last few years, continually bashing everyone and everything involved in it, saying that we should abandon the project after 10 years of restoration and 8 million dollars of federal and provincial grants. Abandon it? Why? So we can guarantee CK never gets another cent of federal and provincial spending? Then, when we finally had our press conference to announce it's 'Opening', dufus incumbent is there to cut the ribbon, smile for the cameras and commit his full support. Very frustrating for the amount of hard work, time and money that people have put into the project, and now the bonehead is riding the coattails as if this was something he helped to make happen. Election time bullshit.

Speaking of, a multi-million dollar condo/boutique hotel was recently announced for downtown Chatham, and during the press conference the developer clearly stated that the entire project depended on Hope's re-election and he's the real reason this guy is about to inject millions of dollars into the project - weeks before the election this comes out. What ensues is a town in uproar, accusing the incumbent of unfair politics and the developer of bullying the democratic process, yadda yadda yadda... and then, just a few days ago, the news sources print a retraction from the developer - stating he 'clearly didn't think' and of course, this project is not dependant on Mayor Hope's re-election. Riiiiiiiiight. Suddenly dufus' campaign took a hit and out comes this.

Anyway - sorry for the rant! I'm a bit hardcore when it comes to municipal politics and the fact that we have an idiot at the helm, who unfortunately used to be president of the CAW down here means we have to campaign extra hard this time around to get rid of him.

Hence, being one of 'those' people.

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