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@Random - Tourette's Awareness


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I've heard of people doing that, and from what I can tell too, it does help many people. I have too much of an anxiety response to weed - makes me freak out most of the time. For me, I always resorted to alcohol, but the body can only take so much and it became unsustainable as a long-term solution.

Then I just decided - eff it. If people can't take it, well, they will simply have to learn to. Too tired to medicate myself into oblivion just to make other people comfortable.

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Ah, haha .. well, d.rock was my initial nickname growing up, I just made it 'd-rawk' when I joined the board because it wouldn't let me use a period in my nickname and because I thought that 'rawk' was way more bad-ass than 'rock'.

So no harm, no foul :)

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This guy walks into the nicest restaurant in town which happens to be advertising for a pianist and says, "Where's the god damn, mother fucking Manager you cock sucking arse wipe." The waiter is naturally taken aback and replies, "Excuse me, sir, but could you please refrain from using that sort of language in here, I will get the manager as soon as I can."

The manager comes over and the bloke asks, "Are you the ugly fucking manager of this bastard joint?". "Yes, sir, I am," replies the manager, "and I would prefer it if you could refrain from speaking such profanities in this, a private restaurant".

"Fuck off!" replies the bloke. "And where's the fucking piano?"

"Pardon?" says the manager.

"Fucking deaf as well are we? You little piece of sniveling shit, show me your pissing piano."

"Ahhhh," replies the manager. "You've come about the pianist's job," and shows the bloke to the piano. "Can you play any blues?"

"Of course I fucking can," and he proceeds to play the most inspiring and beautiful sounding honky tonk blues that the manager has ever heard.

"Why, that's superb, what's it called?"

"I want to fuck your missus on the sofa but the springs keep hurting my knob," replies the pianist.

The manager is a bit disturbed and asks if the bloke knows any jazz. The guy proceeds to play the most melancholy jazz solo the manager has ever heard.

"Magnificent!" cries the manager. "What's it called?"

"I wanted a wank over the washin' machine but my bollocks got caught in the soap drawer".

The manager is a tad embarrassed and asks if he knows any romantic ballads, the bloke then plays the most heartbreaking melody.

"And what's this called?" asks the manager.

"As I fuck you under the stars with the moonlight shining off your hairy ring-piece".

The manager is highly upset by the bloke's language but offers him the job on condition that he doesn't introduce any of his songs or talk to any of the customers.

This arrangement works well for a couple of months until one night, sitting opposite him, is the most gorgeous blonde he has ever laid his eyes on. She's wearing an almost see through dress, her tits are almost falling out the top and the skimpy little 'G' string she's wearing is riding up the crack of her arse. She is sitting there with her legs slightly open, sucking suggestively on asparagus shoots and the butter is dripping down her chin! It's too much for the bloke and he runs off to the bathroom to 'wrestle with his bald headed champ'. He's pulling away furiously when he hears the manager's voice...

"Where's that bloody pianist?"

He just has time to shoot his bolt and in a fluster he runs back to the piano, not having bothered to adjust himself properly, sits down and starts playing some more tunes. The blonde steps up and walks over to the piano, leans over and whispers in his ear:

"Do you know your knob and balls are hanging out your trousers and dripping spunk on your shoes?".

"Know it," the pianist replies, "I fucking wrote it!"


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Thanks so much for this d_rawk. My 9 year old son has tourette's. He will enjoy this I'm sure.

Aww. What are the little dude's tics?

Another good one is "I Swear I Can't Help It" (that's a download link)

Also, Big Brother UK with Pete Bennett. Probably the thing that made me ok with the condition, Pete is so lovely and funny. But maybe a bit racey for a 9 year-old.

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