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Late Sad News: Art Carney Dead @ 85


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I remember when I was in university I was watching TV late one night and it was a canadian movie with Art Carney. A couple minutes later there is my friend Heather from down the hall(dorm) she was the lead character. That was the first time I ever saw a friend in a movie, and the first time I saw Art Carney outside of the Honeymooners. Heather was soooo embarassed when I told her I saw the movie( I imagine mostly because she played a messed up child prostitute) but she did say it was an honour working with Art Carney and that he was a really cool guy.

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Originally posted by Jaimoe:

Art was also a wounded WWII vet - he was hit by shrapnel (leaving him with a slight limp) at Omaha Beach during the Normandy landing.

He also won an Oscar for his performance in the 1974 Paul Mazursky movie " Harry & Tonto ".

You should check that movie out ... a beautiful movie and a wonderful performance. One of those movies that makes me cry (granted, that is a lot of movies). He definitely deserved the Oscar.


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