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NOV. 28th ...Buy Nothing Day


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Well, it's a nice idea in some ways, but tomorrow is a) the day I promised my wife we'd go out for her birthday & B) it's my payday a.k.a. bill paying and grocery day, so I'll be spending like a demon tomorrow.

Plus, I do feel for folks like Tara & Jon who work in retail. Tara for one I happen to know works at least partly on commission, so while in the grand scheme of things I'm guessing Le Chateau isn't gonna give too much of a fuck if their sales dip a little for one day, they will be more than happy to take it out on the underpaid folks working the floor that day. Shitty, but that's the way it goes. [Frown]


Mr. M.

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I was wondering about that too -- if I'm just gonna stock up today for tomorrows lunch then whats the point? I think its more of a symbolic action. The goal isn't to overthrow capitalism or change the world in a single day, but to get people to realize how often/much they over-consume without ever thinking about it. I think its a good idea, and I'm going to be a part of it tomorrow.

On Indymedia I read about an activist group in Montreal who "have decried Buy Nothing Day as a 'misplaced...notion of consumer empowerment.' Seeking to raise the bar on anti-consumerist action, they have called for Steal Something Day, to be held Friday, Saturday and everyday."


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something to think about:

Adbusters magazine - which has paid for co-op space in my bookstore(to increase sales of their magazine) - goes for $7.95 cnd.

At almost eight bucks a pop, this is not a cheap magazine...and their organization benefits from the efforts of large format retailers like myself.

Here is an idea - think for yourself! Tomorrow go and buy $8 worth of food and donate it to a foodbank. Or you could take $8 and give it to a homeless person.

Take $8 worth of your time and do something thoughtful for a fellow human being. Give $8 to Nero or Cuff the Duke...god knows they need every penny. You could spend $8 on a childrens book(hey - don't buy it here if ya don't want) and give it to a library.

But hey - you could just sit and do nothing, buy nothing, be nothing, i'm sure that will do wonders for the world we live in! [Wink]


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On Indymedia I read about an activist group in Montreal who "have decried Buy Nothing Day as a 'misplaced...notion of consumer empowerment.' Seeking to raise the bar on anti-consumerist action, they have called for Steal Something Day, to be held Friday, Saturday and everyday."

- Oh that's a great idea, along with getting a criminal record(cos' if you think retailers are not busting people for stealing left and right, you are out to lunch), you can remove companie's ability to pay their staff more, offer a better deal to the consumers, as well as other harmful effects stealing has!

I'm actually not a right-wing, money grubbing wad, but someone who believes that being an activist is about doing something to make a difference.....the world is filled with way too many fuckwads who need some one to point the way to being socially responsible....so quick to make an uneducated kneejerk reaction...that they will follow the lead of any misguided, soy-latee slurping wannabe do-gooder.

ps - no offense to those who like soy latees

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