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NOV. 28th ...Buy Nothing Day


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Guest Low Roller


Originally posted by Qu'est-ce que c'est?:

that would make today "buy enough stuff for two days" day!

two cases of beer, two bottles of jager, two nero shows... hmmm....

I'd buy that for a dollar.

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My understanding is that the point is to make the powers that be understand that we make a difference.

I don't think John and Tara have anything to worry about as far as there jobs go because of this one show of power...

I mean, I could use the same argument to say that its important the the US invades all subserviant countries. Otherwise the military and bomb makers etc. would be out of jobs.

I mean, come on.

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The cost of Adbusters reflects their lack of advertising in the magazine. True, it prohibits some people from reading it but is there really any other magazine out there that is ad-free and full of content? As harsh as that may sound it reflects the real price of the magazine, and allows them to earn a modest profit without seeking outside revenue.

There was an interesting letter to the editor in last week's Xpress complaining about the prevalence of Ads and lack of content in the magazine. I believe the reader noticed something like 3 to 4 pages of content in the 30-plus page edition he was reading. I find that disturbing as hell. In fact, many would be surprised how much of the content of some magazine is essentially built around an advertisier. In my job I receive calls from publishers who want VSO to advertise in a given month's publication, and for an additiona fee they'll do an editorial about Global Volunteering and mention us in great detail!

The only one I can speak from experience about is called Outpost magazine. I guaranteee you that most, if not all of that magazine has been built around the advertising clients. Oh, and it's the most read adventure publication in Canada too [smile]

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I mean, I could use the same argument to say that its important the the US invades all subserviant countries. Otherwise the military and bomb makers etc. would be out of jobs.

....ya sure you could....cos' i see the connection between books and bombs.

hey one bad day of business can make all the difference at this time of year.

I notice that there is no mention of donating your money or time to a worthwhile charity...

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Buy nothing day targets major retail/food coorperations such as mcdonalds, nike, etc. It was put on the last friday of november because it has traditionally been the biggest day of retail/christmas sales in the U.S. Buying a few beers does not defeat the purpose at all, local beer companies do not take drastic measures to increase their profits. The beer is not made in sweat shops overseas, the barly and hops arent cultivated in cramped slaughterhouses and fed steroids to get big fast. For more info go to

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I have a strange thought......

Instead of argueing with each other about this,if you are opposed to Buy Nothing Day,why not make your views heard and send Adbusters or any other group that promotes this an email.Seems kinda silly to argue or bitch at folks here who are in support of this.I agree that this could hurt some folks in retail for the day,but lets see,what will the sales be like today or saturday,hey what will they be like in december?

I see this as a day to not support the big box stores,the fast food resturants etc. and maybe go out and support the smaller business that hurts ALL the time,barley making the minimum profit margin they need to keep goin due to these big coporate business's.You know like the local grocer who has struggled to keep his friendly,warm,personal grocery store a float in the shadow of places like The Barn,Fortinos and the like,obviously people cannot just shut the economy down for a day,but they can support the little guy can't they?...even if its just for a day? Or are we so out of touch and addicted to the $ that we cannot go one single day of the year from supporting business that is only in it for pure profit and quarterly reports.Whats wrong with supporting the corner variety store owner who says "Hi" to you and remembers your name each time you enter,instead of supporting the big in-personal bussiness who could care less who you are or if you even buy anything from them because they made 2 million dollars all ready this year?

Maybe its just me...then again I could go fuck myself couldn't I?

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i work retail, too. i have many a bill to pay. and i also have to work on buy nothing day. my job in retail is sales. like most, but not to confuse, unlike some, who may work in management, or the ad side, or whatever. granted, my base wage is enough to allow me to live, but if i want to exist the way i want to exist, with some extra dough to allow for the fun things in life, ie: going to shows, new camera gear to support my camera geek habit, the odd drug to support my mind altered creativity habit (because it is fun), food, the odd night out with friends, a date with a female, etc, i must sell. jon is right, for people like me, a day without sales can make or break a paycheque. yes, i realize those are not his exact words, but anyone who works in our industry knows what he is getting at. so, what are we to do?

well, i realize that this is an AWARENESS activity. and that it is directed at certain sectors of the retail and fast food industry. so, although i will be selling all day, and to be honest, i really fucking hope i have a great day in sales, because lord knows i have a huge visa bill and lord knows that i'd like to be able to afford to do some things for some key people my life, i still have come up with something to raise the AWARENESS.

here is what i will be doing on buy nothing day: perhaps for my own sarcastic sense of humour, or perhaps to raise some eyebrows and get people to look into a little more, on each invoice i create, that is, each sale i make, i will make an electronic comment, so it appears on all of the customers receipts, and it will say "Thank You for supporting Buy Nothing Day, November 28th, 2003. Scott".

Sarcasm. of course. people who know me might understand. Subtlety. to us, probably not. but to those who dont know, we may have a few more people looking into what "Buy Nothing Day" actually is, and maybe they'll stay away from the fast food chains, and the mass produced clothing stores and nicknack shops and such....

who knows...........

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ok.....i was in a bad mood today at work.

so I do see the merits of this day on an ideal level, and perhaps "go fuck yourself day" was a little harsh on my part(although i do kinda like the ring of it [Wink] ), and lastly i'm all for raising awareness about the rotten underbelly of big business...you'd have to be braindead not to clearly see the dark side of the world we live in.

I guess that i was reacting on a personal level, from experience with many people who are "activists". I have known many a person who really didn't care about what they were protesting, but simply wanted to protest. I truely believe that you should live your morals instead of just talking about them, be kind, listen, do charitable things...etc...

I know that many people are also "activists" and really do walk the talk....and thank god for them.

I think i've lost the thread....so do whatever ya want.

but really DO it.

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