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...I just wanted to post that "let's roll" play on words, fuck I'm funny, anyhow roll down to Irene's Pub 885 Bank Street tonight for some good times!


Dr.Huxtable & Friends

TONIGHT @ Irene's Pub (the Glebe)

885 Bank Street


Hopefully Dave-O makes and appearance, and perhaps Booche....you didn't hear it here, but there may still be a chance Blue Grassy High will play one last time!!! (in 2003)


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"looks like its time for the mandolin to come home"

Actually, I smashed it over Hux's head when he said one of those stupid things he always says.

None the less, Hux's:

Looks Like Rain is TOTALLY your 'ringer'

I cant get over how good Peter Alexandre Daigle plays that one.

Great job boys and girl..............

I really got off getting drunk with youse as the soundtrack, 'cause it's Thriller baby.


We all need to fucking 'cockroach' that pub. The owner is a Head for Christ's sake!

By the way, Let Bouche Sing and I am Easu'ed right now [Eek!]

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