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Extra for Cincy!


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To whom it may concern,

My friend Mitch has one extra ticket for Friday night in Cincinnati up for grabs! On top of this, he might be able to get one or two more as well. Face value. No rides included. The ticket(s) is/are in Peterborough, so you'll have to work out the logistics and stuff with Mitch over the phone. Give him a call and tell 'em KevO sent ya!

(705) 742-8375

The race is on!!!

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Originally posted by Tooly:

is peterborough on teh way to sarnia?

sorry my directionals arent that good

Nope, Peterborough is the other way! Its north-east of Toronto.. Actually check out this page here and then click on the picture and it shows you exactly where Peterborough is.

Maybe you could work something out with express mailing it or somethin. Good luck!

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ive got one sat ticket for myself,, lots of faith for friday , ill be workin the lot all fuggin day selling glass in hopes to find one that night

or tending tanks,, one or the other,, id rather sell glass

last time phish played cincy there was a riot,, bottles tossed at cops,, one cop got one on the head, another cop grabbed a kid and 10 hippies ripped the cop off the kid, intense. so you know this year its gonna be full of feddy dreaddies

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