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Canada into missile defense?

snarfmaster C

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Well earthfreak here you go, you asked for it so I'm gonna freak you out... with skepticism...

Paul Martin has included this on his website so that in the future when there are tense issues in Canadian poitics he can dodge responsibility and blame negative outcomes on the "popular voice" of Canadians. [Mad]

In conclusion... Vote wisely. [Razz]

The outcome may be misrepresented or flawed by the fact that you don't have to prove that you are Canadian to vote on the site... however many times you choose to vote on the same issue... [Roll Eyes]

Nice try.. got some bugs to work out, but at least he's feigning effort. [Roll Eyes][smile]

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ya thognor, i feel the same way as you about this, but i received an email earlier this week from a board memeber who was particularly sensitive to the language used w.r.t. Paul Martin, (i'm assuming this person gets offended by shows like this hour has 22 minutes and the like...) so i'm trying to be extra careful about putting links and ideas out there with as little of my own opinion attached to them as possible.

ha - i guess i just attached my opinion to that, eh?! ah well, f*ck it.

if you wanna go check out his real site, click the link above. if you wanna check out a shit-disturbers website about him go to www.paulmartintime.ca either way it's all bullshit.

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