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Jailbait - A Love Story!


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Yo, check out this flick


My cousin wrote it a few years ago and I edited it for him, but it's finally in the production phase. you can check out the trailer on the site. Looks like it is gonna be pretty sick. His site is up for a people's choice award for best animation so if you got time help a brother out and vote for the site at;


Thanks yo....

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The animation is called Rotoscoping (sp?) The process of animating digital still shots one by one to make a living, moving picture. Siloet are any of the same artists from "Waking Life" working on this film? Also is the lead character the same guy from the movie the "Station Agent", it looks like him for sure....I totally want to see this flick.

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Ya a few of the same artists from Waking life are wokring on the film...

And you are right it is Peter Dinklage from Waking life...

Sarah Polley may be in it aswell playing Bess (the Lead)

I can't wait to see the final product... As it stands now a large portion of it is being filmed in Toronto... Posters should be up soon...

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