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The Vern...


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Cavern played a solid show last night... Though starting the night a little bit shaky from some technical dificulties they brouhgt it up huge in the second set...

Ben on drums was crisp as usual never missing a beat while Dave on keys tore it up like it was his job. Laying down some amazing solos and fully utilizeing both the organ and hte piano. Rory Sills a.k.a. capt'n Ahab, whaled on that custom fender, blowing mine and most of the audiences mind. Ripping out Solo's and keeping it tight is his second nature, or so it would seem. As always Ben on Bass keep the groove going for the entire show throwing down some of the fattest grooves out there.

The crowd was rocking out enjoying everthing that Cavern brougt forth, especially back to back Zeplin covers and the sickest Little Wing cover of Hendrix I have ever heard.

Cavern rocked out 'Too Far Away' into an amazing skat that brought everybody to their feet. If you haven;t heard this tune you have to listen to it ( http://www.cavernmusic.com/music.htm ). The power that comes through to the listener is strong, leaving you smiling and ready to rock and roll.

'Privacy' with it's quick upbeat intro into an almost latin santanesque groove was also performed impecably. Another tune that deserves a listen.

"Going Home', 'Hang On', and 'Go Back that Way' also some serious highlights form the night...

It's hard to explain just how solid this band is; playing smooth jams with a huge range that you literally feel like you are on one of the most exciting musical rollercoaster the world has to offer.

And for those that doubted, Cookie Monster did make an appearance and danced with several lucky ladies (even thought he was stuffed).

For those that haven't heard or are still in doubt you have to check these guys out....


There are a few solid tunes you can take a gander at...and I hope to see a ton of new faces at the next show, you won't be dissapointed.

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thanks for the kind words there Siloet. Its always great havin u out there.....shakin wat god gave ya....the shows keep on getting better and better..and its all cuz of u die-hards.......wanna thank all of u guys who came out... and who always come-out...see ya soon.CHEERS!

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To be objective since I'm not a die-hard, i thought it was a pretty decent show, but was hardly as tight as Siloet makes it out to be. Lots of potential with this band, but a lack of cohesive songwriting and a bit too much wanky guitar. solid drums and a strong, accomplished keyboard player.

I really liked the tight, latin/jazz influenced tunes. more of that. but for the first time in my life, i thought this band sounded too "phishy," and got caught playing a lot of knock off riffs and time signatures. (see my nickname, it feels weird to say that.)

a little critical folks, but when the potential nugget is there, that's what i do. good luck!


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To be fair it was an awesome show, not the best show they have ever played. My remarks are directed mostly at the second set as well as past shows this band has played. What I saw and heard was amazing, what you saw and heard may have not been, but take a listen for yourself and you be the judge...


I'm not part of the band I'm just a huge goddamn fan, cause these guys are hugely a part of the canadian jam bands

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