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Best web site ever...


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a couple of gooders....

-i eat pocket lint

-I love to punch myself in the testicles. I can't even get an erection without doing it first.

-For years, I've peed in the shower. Now everytime I go swimming or am in a large amount of water, I feel the sudden urge to go, even if I just went. I try so hard to hold it in, but sometimes I let go a little just to releave the pressure.

I find this gross and embarrasing. It's almost like it's something my body truly thinks is natural.

I'm afraid to take showers with my bf because of it.

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My favorites from today:

• I was so drunk on New Years Eve that I pissed my pants. Quickly I jumped into the pool and said I had lost my balance. No one was the wiser.

• I'm a guy that shaves his pubic hair. And Gold Bond is really nice. It is like a thousand angels kissing my nads. I am one sick fuck.

• I like touching dead people... a lot

What a great site!

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