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Caution - Poison Ivy


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Here's a warning for all of you strange people out their trying to grow strange plants in their homes.

Beware of urushiol . It is the oleoresin that causes people to react to poison ivy, oak, and sumac.

This resin is also present in mango peels, cashew and brazil nut shells, and the sap, bark, etc. of the Japanese lacquer tree.

As far as I know this is not common knowledge, at least it wasn't to me before I started to grow cashew trees in my house. I ended up with a brutal rash all over my face and body. The worst part of it was that I didn't figure out what it was for a week so I was continuously spreading the stuff onto myself. This was all cleared up by a nasty little pill called Prednazone. No sleep to be had while taking this stuff.

It doesn't seem to pose a problem if the shells are dry, and I, myself, have never had a reaction to mangos or lacquered furniture. Hopefully no one will ever have this problem.

Now you know.

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Wow! A cashew tree would be awsome! Too bad it has such a negative side effect...

I got Poison Ivy real bad when I was at Osweego. Since I didn't realize what it was I managed to spread it all up my legs and torso. It REALLY SUCKED! Now that I've experienced Poison Ivy, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy (not that I have many). I never knew an itch could be so bad!

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A well-known fact (but I'll spew it anyway):

Never, EVER, burn poison ivy, even it's been dried out for years. The smoke will carry the irritating oil--which can stick around in dried plants for a hundred years or more--into your lungs. You think it's bad on your *skin* ...

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