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'The Corporation'


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Hey folks..

I saw a very powerful movie over the weekend and I'd recommend it to everyone here.

'The Corporation' is an excellent Canadian documentary about our current economic system and how it allows corporations to exist with the same rights as an individual, and how those corporations are destroying our biosphere and murdering human beings.

It features amazing footage from around the planet and very insightful interviews with luminaries such as Michael Moore, Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky and more. It's great.


See this movie! It's excellent.


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"Self-interested, amoral, callous and deceitful, a corporation’s operational principles make it anti-social. It breaches social and legal standards to get its way even while it mimics the human qualities of empathy, caring and altruism. It suffers no guilt. Diagnosis: the institutional embodiment of laissez-faire capitalism fully meets the diagnostic criteria of a psychopath."


p.s. Toronto folks, this movie is playing at the Carlton...

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Man,this is wild.I was just talking to a friend about a hour ago and she was saying that I would like this film and to check it out.I won't be able to make the Toronto gig,but I will be around for the the TVO airings.(wed. are herbal evenings - )

Thanks guys for the info.


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