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Tabla Beat Science


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Well after the Bob Wiseman show,Ken at PJC threw on some Tabla Beat Science and it was amazing,I had heard them before but I hadn't given them a good listen.So I was poking around and was able to round up some tracks (mp3 unfortunatley) to listen to.

Before we decided to listen to it,my friend here says she figures some nice hash would be key for a good listen,so we head to another town and grab 1.5 grams of templeball (my favourite at that!) that her sister brought back from Amsterdam.We get home make some sweet-ass tea she has with her and fire up my hookah & throw on the tunes,all three songs I had downloaded were between 8-14 minutes long,smoked the bowl load and cranked it up,sat back and enjoyed our tea.Memories of being in Amsterdam (cannabis cup '97) at this "tea room" coffeshop started flashing through my mind,they also had some tabla music playing there,but it was certianly not as intense as tonight,probally because I am not on the voyage alone like I was in Amsterdam and more relaxed tonight.I must say I am rather in a state of awe,not sure I have had such a awesome listening expirence in a very long time,really intense music and great to get high to.

Hmmmmmm,I have sorta lost my point here - ....anyway I guess I now have a new favourite music to smoke to!

Well thats my evening ramble I guess,perhaps my memory will improve in a bit and I will actually know why I am posting this.(fuck I hope so its taken over 20 minutes to type this) -

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Definatley brother,I could get into things here but there is way too much depressing shit that led to my 55+ day solo voyage through England,France,Belgium & Netherlands,eventually ending up in Amsterdam.I had planned to end up there so that was the only place I had pre-booked a hotel room for two nights then crashed on a boat for the rest of my time there.

Next time we hook up..beers and stories of dutch debauchery.


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that stuff ken threw on wasnt tabla beat science eh brother? i was asking him,, i didnt leave that night until 4something, it was some band that mickey hart is in, all percussion stuff,, did you hear that fire on teh mtn jam as you were leavin? had jerry on guitar, mickey, and about 8 other percussionists,

the name is eluding me right now, that cd was from teh 70s, u should ask kenny more about it,, i cant remember squat lol

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