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Anyone here use Soundforge?


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I used to have soundforge 5 on my old computer and now with this computer I have decided to upgrade to SF 6.

I have my tape deck hooked up to my computer and the sound is working on the windows player but for some reason I am not getting any sound to Sound forge.

I'm looking to convert quality SBD>DAT>1st GEN CASS to CDR and I can't get it to play through sound forge.

I know this may be sorta vague,but its the gist of what I am trying to do.

Does anyone know if I am suppose to configure somthing on Soundforge? I have read the FAQ's and the help index but there appears to be nothing pertaining to external input recordings (which I know can be done) only recording from disc (ROM).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Yep..I have sound on my computer,so I know all input lines are working,but cannot find anything that gets sound on the program(SF6).

With SF 5 I only had to plug in my input and it automatically picked up the sound,but this one its not?

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I have a mess of them from the west coast,all tapes belong to Chris (guitar) from Fatties and I know he wants them back,so I gots me some recording to do.

Some nice 93 & 94 shows also. -


I grabbed mine of kazaa (I know its evil....lol) and it came complete with key generator also,worked first try I entered it.

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It can,I used to do it SF 5,I'm just not familair with SF 6 and I certianly don't need two of these programs on my computer.

Right now its one long track,so I am still trying to find where the op for splitting it into tracks is...I wouldnt have thought they would make it so different then SF 5.

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i just drop a marker ( by hitting 'm') i think and then select from that marker to the end and cut it and paste it into a new window and save it as whatever track it is... there's an easier way? in optoins i have 'snap to zero' selected, which I think makes it cut to sector boundaries.

I have sf 4.5. it's probably different thant he newer ones.

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yeah I know about dropping the marker,but I am not going to cut & paste all this,I tried that also and you have to make sure you cut it at the exact second or it leaves a gap.Tried CDwave editor and it was even less useful.

Gonna make them personal discs,since they will be one track per disc,so I can't trade them.

Just seems really strange that with an upgraded version of SF you actually lose one very important feature.I cannot even find SF 5 anywhere for download and it has the drop track marker/split in a one button function.

Oh well.

Thanks anyway.

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