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Just listening to nero 04-05-03...


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What a sick show! [Eek!][Eek!][Eek!] I forgot how fucking GOOD it is! I hope nero sells out of Soon in the near future so I can start trading this gem! The quality of the recording is ridiculous, the playing is unbelievable, just fucking fantastic! Dave sounds like he's on a mission, Punk rips apart his bass, and Jay drops some serious beats... Almost as much fun to listen to as it was to be there (almost [Wink] ) Here's the info:



KBD Hall

Chatham, ON

Source: 16 track digital

Disc 1:


2.Whispy Mountain Wonder

3.Tonto's Underwater Paradise

4.401 Theme

5.Pumpkin Song

Disc 2:





One of my all time favorite nero shows... The groove oozes out from the speakers and fills your body with energy... Ridiculous doesn't begin to describe this show... The band is supposed to olet me know when Soon sells out. After that, I've been told that it will be available for trade. Who knows, they might change their mind, but keep your fingers crossed that they allow this to get out. Absolutley insane...

Currently playing: Zedonk D2

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(That Lanc show sounds wicked)

Dont you just LOVE how they get better each time you see them?

They have been doing that to me since I first caught them at the Whipping Post by *accident*

Anyways, I have the Live Phish Sampler on that was given out at IT to the first 10,000 folks. Piper is on deck, not too sure which show it is but its 2003. If anyone has the track listing, I would appreciate it.

Del, as far as your Spindle Trade is concerned, I think I would be up for a 10-spot the next time you visit Otown. Your list needs some of the PLQ shit that is SERIOUS. Heck, the 04-15/16/17-99 run is 10 cds I think and I have it on SBD taboot. It's time those SHN's became cd-playable!

(The shows with Page and Trey)

Email me



Lets NOT make this a snailmail trade. I am too slow for that shit. If I know you are coming to town, I can have them ready.

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Booche, I'm definately down for that... I'll be back up there on 04-17 (nero CD release...) We should try to work a trade for then. (I think I have one of the Phil & Phriends shows... Maybe 2. Check my list, but if you have a better source, I'll take 'em. Looking forward to partying in Ottawa again... maybe one of the Bouchards will make it to sunrise this time... [Wink]

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Sorry to offend Esau, but as I stated, as soon as the band sells out of Soon this WILL be tradeable... I look at it like when a band announces they're releasing a new album "soon", it makes you want it all that much more... Plus I was really enjoying it at the time of the post... A lot of people were there, and at least you've had the pleasure of not only being at the show, but hearing it at my place a couple of times... Wasn't trying to dangle the forbidden fruit in front of anyone's face... just enjoying some tunes...

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No offence,

Hey thats just my opinoion,same thing I said to another person who got a copy of that show.


The band is supposed to olet me know when Soon sells out. After that, I've been told that it will be available for trade.
Who knows, they might change their mind, but keep your fingers crossed that they allow this to get out.

Thats what I am talking about.

And yeah I was SO lucky for getting to hear it. [Roll Eyes]

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'tube, when you hear it you'll understand... basically, track 2 is the build up and track 3 is the breakdown and end of the song... I didn't track it, the band/tungstengruvsten did... I just got a copy from the band and was told not to trade it until they said so (after "Soon" sells out). I know the 3 night run was recorded with the intent of releasing a live album ("Soon"), maybe they were splitting certain tracks for possible release? I don't really know, to be honest with you... For a really crazy tracklist, check this out:



Come Together Music Festival

Durham, Ontario

Taper: Shane McCartney [bongrecords@hotmail.com]

Source: SBD>MZ-R700>wave lab 4.0>mkw

- Disc I -

01: Intro - 01:51

02: Holetown Charlie - 05:15

03: Wata Bug > Mikomard > Lemondust > Centragnome > Run Like Hell > Centragnome > Peaches En Regalia - 49:23

-Disc II -

01: Condor - 22:35

02: 401 Theme - 14:46

03: Speed Queen - 04:42

04: Chocolate Monkey Machine

i know the whore doesn't really know nero's songs that well, but what's up with D1t03? Crazy...

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Greg, you need to chill out dude... This show will be released, I'm 99.9% sure... I leave the other .01% open JUST IN CASE... I'm not a member of the band, nor am I affiliated with them in any way. I'm just a big fan... Have you tried asking nero if you can have a copy? If I start trading stuff I'm not supposed to then I'll be sitting here in the same boat as you... And for the record, I never said you were "lucky" to get to hear it, I said you've had the pleasure to hear it... Some people wish they could hear it but will have to wait... Listen, I consider it a privledge to have an "in" with nero interms of getting my hands on stuff other people can't... I don't plan on changing that situation anytime soon. If you don't like it, talk to the band. Sorry to be so blunt, you know we're tight Greg, but don't put me in a comprimising situation... I said no to Crow, Kuipers and a few others who felt they were "owed" this show. I gave 2 copies away to people who were approved by the band... Karl Letonja for archiving purposes and Keri Kennedy because he put the damn show on and supported this band more than anyone else probably has... Other than that, me and the band have copies... I don't think tungsten even has one... Again, sorry Esau, don't be offended, but if you want a copy you're talking to the wrong dude...

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I'm "chilled out" (whatever that means) and that post is completely arrogant.

NO BAND "owes" me anything for the record,nor do I "owe" ANY band either,for that matter.

I have had "the pleasure" of listening to that show at another persons house also....hence my comments about saying that to another person.

Was just my opinion based on your original post,if that hits home to you.Then the only comprimising position your in is the one you put yourself in.(again,merely my opinion)

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"maybe one of the Bouchards will make it to sunrise this time... "

You meant to add other after "the"

I made it to "sunrise", just not with you.

[big Grin]

Huge props to Eric and D for helping me home with my newborn baby. You guys own our spare room, as long as you call it first.

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I don't put myself in comprimising situations... As for the original post, I was sharing something I was listening to... When we aren't allowed to do that on this board I will leave... I pointed out in my original post that it wasn't tradeable yet because inevitably people either flat out ask or PM me for the show... I figured instead of repeating the same speech over and over again I'd get it out of the way in the beginning. I also shared the information (because not everybody knows) that it would be tradeable once "Soon" was sold out... So I was also posting information relevant to this board... You're the one who got upset at me... I didn't see this kind of reaction when tungsten posted he knew the new nero album note for note, etc... I have also heard a portion of the new album, are you going to hold that against me? I'm sorry Esau, this is ridiculous...

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I have also heard a portion of the new album, are you going to hold that against me?

I have heard some of the new album myself,the day AGP laid down their tracks and before it was mastered,so what?

Yeah you pointed out that it couldn't be shared and then pointed out that it may not ever also.

I am not now or then upset,I just gave my opinion.

I am not holding anything "agaisnt you" man,was just my opinion,if that is too much for you then perhaps message boards are not your forte.

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I don't see how what I "did" (like it was some horrible crime against humanity...) was wrong. No different than someone posting that they have bought a Live Phish recording before an audience copy is available for wide trading... If you want it that bad, ask the band for a copy. You know them well enough... But don't be upset that I make a post about something that you don't have... There's lots of shows out there, why be so upset about this one? It's a great nero show. I have plenty that are available for trade/B&P, it's not like I'm sitting here hoarding nero shows. Quite the opposite... Even if the band decides not to let it be traded (again 0.01% chance), there's still a ton of great nero shows out there and even more coming... Big deal, it's one show, get over it... When you have your copy in your hands this will all be a distant memory...

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I don't see how what I "did" (like it was some horrible crime against humanity...) was wrong. No different than someone posting that they have bought a Live Phish recording before an audience copy is available for wide trading... If you want it that bad, ask the band for a copy. You know them well enough... But don't be upset that I make a post about something that you don't have... There's lots of shows out there, why be so upset about this one? It's a great nero show. I have plenty that are available for trade/B&P, it's not like I'm sitting here hoarding nero shows. Quite the opposite... Even if the band decides not to let it be traded (again 0.01% chance), there's still a ton of great nero shows out there and even more coming... Big deal, it's one show, get over it... When you have your copy in your hands this will all be a distant memory...

As mentioned a few times,it was just my opinion and also mentioned I am not now,nor then upset that I dont have it.

My comments had nothing to do with whether I wanted the show or not,why make assumptions it is?

Seems your defending yourself for no reason here.

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I'm defending myself from comments you made in your first post on here...

"Seems rather "in your face" doesn't it to post a show that can't be shared? I don't know man,but seems sorta arrogant IMO."

Nothing is "in your face" about sharing a love for tunes... if the show can't be shared, too bad... Nothing arrogant about it, just the way it is...

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Ok..I'll stay clear bro,just voiced my thoughts,I know thats wrong around here alot of the time.I should know better.My comments were more because you know all too well you will get alot of requests for that show,to me it just seemed,in the face becasue you ask about a spindle trade and mention that.Along with the possiblity that it may not ever be up for trade.

Was merely my opinion and how I seen it,just the way it is.

My apologys to you.

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i dunno what either you guys are talking about as the final mixes for the album were finished recently and nothing prior to that sounded complete.

Also, as for the 3 shows that SOON was created out of - those are my copies which were to be returned after the band reviewed them and selected songs for SOON. Since I don't have a copy myself(those were the only copies made) maybe it could be arranged someday that they would be returned to me.

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Well Tungsten I've only heard whatever it was you & nero had with ya's at that afterparty with the AGP guys playing.I know it wasn't complete.Just a track or two I think.

As for the other shows,I've only seen the KBD Hall show floating around,aside from the folks mentioned in this thread there are also two others I know that have it.I myself don't.

I have no problems with not having it.I was all three shows and have 'SOON'. [big Grin]

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